We returned from Washington fairly late on Monday night, so Tuesday was a rest day - that's if you can have a rest day with 2 children under 3 years!!! Wednesday we decided to do some shopping and then have lunch, but Charlote had other ideas, so after a few tantrums we headed home without doing much at all - not even coffee!! Thursday we had coffee ith Jenn's friends Katie and Toni at Panerra Bread, (coffee shop) then back home for a while before heading to Katie's house to do some Pumpkin Carving in preparation for Halloween. JT (Katie's husband) showed us how it was done and then Jenn and Charlotte carved a Dora the Explorer into a large pumpkin. It is quite a messy job, cleaning out the inside of a pumpkin. The orange pumpkins are grown especially for Halloween and apparently are not for eating. Once the inside is ready, the pattern is traced onto the outside and then carved out. You can see from the photo above that Victoria was really interested in the pumpkin carving!!