Another great breakfast with great company, although they all left today. John went for a walk with Michael to look at the old cellars from the original home that was on the property and then went to see the grave of the man that built the original Drinkstone park - apparently he was buried standing up, so he could make sure his gardeners were doing there job properly !!!! The gardeners were not happy about this, so they built a wall around the grave so he couldn't see anything !!!

So, we then drove back through the country lanes that we were becoming familiar with through Geddings where Bill Wyman (from the Rolling Stones)lives, and made our way to Woodbridge, a very old, but quite big town. When we parked the car, we were right in front of a violin shop, where a man was making violins (unfortunately couldn't get any photos). We moved the car closer to the centre of the town, where we wander around, changed some old UK currency, had morning tea and drove towards Flatford Mill.
Flatford Mill is where John Constable painted the famous painting the Hay Wain. The area is now controlled by the National Trust and is exactly the same as it was when the painting was done. It is the most beaufitfu and peaceful place and we spent several hours there.
Just down the road is Dedham, where we into the local church.
Back to Drinkstone Park where Christine had fresh scones with Jam and Cream along with a lovely pot of tea ready.
We drove across to Gardeners Pub, where we had the best night:)
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