Saturday, October 16, 2010

Well, here I am in New York, after approximately 26 hrs. Flight from Sydney to Los Angeles was long but uneventful. In a conversation on the flight, I said that I was visiting my daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren in Virginia, and the guy sitting behind me, just happened to say, "That wouldn't be Ted and Jenny Seymour, would it?" as you can imagine I was amazed!!!As it turned out Chris, lives in the same units as Jenn & Ted did in Carlingford and has known Ted for quite a while.....what a small world.
Immigration and Customs in LA took about 2 1/2 hrs to get through, and I thought Sydney was bad!!luckily I hadabout 5 hrs before the flight to New York. It appears that all flights here are overbooked, one announcement yesterday asked for volunteers to take the next flight, and in return you get $200 worth of vouchers, and a guaranteed seat on the next flight !!!
It was about 1 am (local time) when I arrived at the hotel last night. I have a late checkout today, as my flight to Norfolk isn't until 4.20 this afternoon.

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