Wednesday, September 12, 2018

London - Friday 7th September, 2018

John woke not feeling well - bloody cough and cold !!!, so we decided to take it easy and head down to Tower Bridge. We decided the easiest thing we could do was a cruise down the Thames to Greenwich.
 It takes about 40 mins (on the slow boat) to Greenwich, under Tower Bridge and past Canary Wharf.
 The new apartments on the north side of the Thames down near Canary Wharf aren't cheap !!! 3 Bedroom apartment overlooking the Thames will cost approximately 3.5 million pounds.  That is almost $7 million AUD.
However, on the south side, where transport isn't quite as good, a 2 bedroom overlooking the river would only cost about a 1million pounds, but if you don't care about the view !! about its a bargain at 8 hundred thousand pounds

The little white building above, is actually the Oldest standing Pub on the Thames, called the Prospect of Whitby.

 This building is Gordon Ramsay's Restaurant.
 We stayed on the boat at Greenwich, as we had spent quite a bit of time there previously
 Back through Tower Bridge - my favourite bridge :)
 Fish and Chips after our cruise down the river at Tower Bridge opposite the Tower of London

Back on the bus to the apartment, to get ready for the evening.
We went to see Dream Girls at the Savoy Theatre. We were both a little disappointed in the show.  The theatre didn't seem big enough for a musical.  We both found it pretty screechy.  Definitely the worst of the shows we have seen in London.

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